Having a bright, healthy smile boosts your confidence and gives you more reasons to smile. From tooth whitening and bonding to laminates and veneers, we can help you achieve a smile that is sure to sparkle. Call today to begin your smile transformation!
Teeth whitening is a fast and easy way to enhance your overall smile. We use a bleaching process that lightens the discoloration of your teeth caused by aging and consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, colas, tobacco and red wine. While your hygienist can remove stains on the surface of the tooth, deeper stains require a special whitening process, using our custom teeth whitening trays.
Tooth contouring or reshaping can help repair minor imperfections in your smile such as the length or shape of your teeth—usually in under an hour! To do this, the dentist uses various polishing tools to carefully remove small amounts of the tooth’s surface enamel and shapes the tooth to have a more attractive, smoother-looking finish. Since removing large amounts of enamel can weaken your teeth, we recommend dental contouring for only minor cosmetic changes to your teeth.
Bonding is another great one-step option for repairing minor imperfections and filling in gaps in your smile. During this procedure, the dentist will prepare your tooth by shaping (or contouring) the surface. A conditioning solution and bonding agent are then applied to the tooth to act as a strong adhesive, and the composite—made of a putty-like, tooth-colored material—is sculpted on the tooth to correct problem area. Once the desired results have been achieved, the dentist will harden the material using a high-intensity light, then smooth and polish the surface for an even, natural finish.
Porcelain veneers (or laminates) can also help you reshape your smile. During this procedure, thin layers of porcelain are bonded to the front of teeth that cosmetically improve gaps in your smile as well as worn, chipped, discolored or misaligned teeth. Before the veneers are placed onto the tooth however, the dentist may need to lightly buff or file down the existing tooth to allow for the added thickness of the veneer. A mold of your teeth is also taken during this time so the laboratory can carefully craft your veneers to fit your individual smile. This process usually requires two visits to the dentist.